Welcome to Elayne James Salon!
In 2025, we're embracing the deeper, faceted gemstones and neon colors of the 90s and bringing them into the 21st century with new Styling and Color techniques and easier, personalized maintenance options!
We'd like to start with extending an exclusive offer to you this season: 20% off your Vivid Hair Transformation up to $200! Embrace your self-love and expression to the most extreme degree! With strikingly visual hair colors that can be the perfect fit for anyone! Tap the button below to schedule your complimentary Color Consultation.
Believe it or not, anyone can rock any color! It just takes the right amount of color magic, depending on various factors such as skin undertone and subtle changes in hue only achievable in the hands of a professional! This effect can be seen in both this gorgeous Sapphire Blue!
Curious whether your undertones are warm, cool, or neutral? The simplest way to find out is the color of your veins! Blue veins can indicate cooler undertones, a greener appearance under light suggests warmer undertones and a mix of both is—you guessed it—neutral!
Versatility is the name of the game! And vivid colors have a diverse range of commitments to accommodate different hair care routines, hair textures, and densities.
If you don't mind a higher level of maintenance, you might try out cooler hues like blue, green or purple. These often need a high level of lightening to achieve, but some can also be used to add a little bit of magic to darker hair colors! Color bleed is also a factor to take into consideration, so the best course of action is to always consult your Service Provider! Schedule a complimentary Color Consult or First Time Color Service below!
Maybe you love the idea of a bright, vivid color but don't want to commit to it 100% of the time? A hidden Pop of Color is our solution for you! Maintain the outward appearance of your natural hair color or switch that up too! The possibilities are endless, and can result in a style and color that can appear completely natural upon first look.
One of the biggest disputes with color, especially extreme transformations, is the continued health and integrity of your hair! Luckily for you, we offer a wide range of elite quality color-safe take home care both in-salon and available at Shop Beauty by Elayne James. This includes a personalized-to-you hair color mask, our Color Bomb, to bring back with you and apply for renewed color intensity, and deeply hydrated and strengthened hair!